Saturday, January 29, 2011

Nuclear Fission Power Plant


Currently, about half of all nuclear power plants are located in the US. There are many different kinds of nuclear power plants, and we will discuss a few important designs in this text. A nuclear power plant harnesses the energy inside atoms themselves and converts this to electricity. This electricity is used by all of us. By now, you should have an idea of the fission process and how it works. A nuclear power plant uses controlled nuclear fission. In this section, we will explore how a nuclear power plant operates and the manner in which nuclear reactions are controlled.

Uranium Preparation:

Earlier we talked about nuclear fission with 235U. In reality, this will not be the only isotope of uranium present in a nuclear reactor. In naturally occurring uranium deposits, less than one percent of the uranium is 235U. The majority of the uranium is 238U. 238U is not a fissile isotope of uranium. When 238U is struck by a loose neutron, it absorbs the neutron into its nucleus and does not fission. Thus, by absorbing loose neutrons, 238U can prevent a nuclear chain reaction from occurring. This would be a bad thing because if a chain reaction doesn't occur, the nuclear reactions can't sustain themselves, the reactor shuts down, and millions of people are without electrical power. In order for a chain reaction to occur, the pure uranium ore must be refined to raise the concentration of 235U. This is called enrichment and is primarily accomplished through a technique called gaseous diffusion. In this process, the uranium ore is combined with fluorine to create a chemical compound called uranium hexafluoride. The uranium hexafluoride is heated and vaporizes. The heated gas is then pushed through a series of filters. Because some of the uranium hexafluoride contains 238U and some contains 235U, there is a slight difference in the weights of the individual molecules. The molecules of uranium hexafluoride containing 235U are slightly lighter and thus pass more easily through the filters. This creates a quantity of uranium hexafluoride with a higher proportion of 235U. This is collected, the uranium is stripped from it, and the result is an enriched supply of fuel. Usually, nuclear power plants use uranium fuel that is about 4% 235U.

Parts of a Nuclear Reactor - Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR):

Fuel Assembly Containing a Number of Fuel Rods
Picture of a Fuel Assembly
Original Image Used with Permission of the Uranium Institute
A typical nuclear reactor has a few main parts. Inside the "core" where the nuclear reactions take place are the fuel rods and assemblies, the control rods, the moderator, and the coolant. Outside the core are the turbines, the heat exchanger, and part of the cooling system.
The fuel assemblies are collections of fuel rods. These rods are each about 3.5 meters (11.48 feet) long. They are each about a centimeter in diameter. These are grouped into large bundles of a couple hundred rods called fuel assemblies, which are then placed in the reactor core. Inside each fuel rod are hundreds of pellets of uranium fuel stacked end to end.
Also in the core are control rods. These rods have pellets inside that are made of very efficient neutron capturers. An example of such a material is cadmium. These control rods are connected to machines that can raise or lower them in the core. When they are fully lowered into the core, fission can not occur because they absorb free neutrons. However, when they are pulled out of the reactor, fission can start again anytime a stray neutron strikes a 235U atom, thus releasing more neutrons, and starting a chain reaction.
Another component of the reactor is the moderator. The moderator serves to slow down the high speed neutrons "flying" all around the reactor core. If a neutron is moving too fast, and thus is at a high-energy state, it passes right through the 235U nucleus. It must be slowed down to be captured by the nucleus and to induce fission. The most common moderator is water, but sometimes it can be another material.
The job of the coolant is to absorb the heat from the reaction. The most common coolant used in nuclear power plants today is water. In actuality, in many reactor designs the coolant and the moderator are one and the same. The coolant water is heated by the nuclear reactions going on inside the core. However, this heated water does not boil because it is kept at an extremely intense pressure, thus raising its boiling point above the normal 100° Celsius.

Control a nuclear reaction in The Nuclear Reaction Java Applet

The Inside of a Reactor Containment Structure
One can see the heavy concrete walls from which the structure is made. Also, a fuel rod transportation canister is in the background (blue arrow). In front of that is the pit where the reactor core would normally reside (red arrow).
Picture of the inside of a nuclear containment structure
Photo Used With Permission of Joseph Gonyeau. Original Source:Virtual Nuclear Tourist
The heated water rises up and passes through another part of the reactor, the heat exchanger. The moderator/coolant water is radioactive, so it can not leave the inner reactor containment. Its heat must be transferred to non-radioactive water, which can then be sent out of the reactor shielding. This is done through the heat exchanger, which works by moving the radioactive water through a series of pipes that are wrapped around other pipes. The metallic pipes conduct the heat from the moderator to the normal water. Then, the normal water (now in steam form and intensely hot) moves to the turbine, where electricity is produced.
Three Mile Island, the Site of a Nuclear Accident
The steam towers are the large objects in the upper part of the picture. They do not actually house any reactors, and their only purpose is to cool water after it has passed through the turbines.
Outside View 
of a Nuclear Power Plant With View of Steam Towers
Photo Courtesy Nuclear Regulatory Commission
After the hot water has passed through the turbine, some of its energy is changed into electricity. However, the water is still very hot. It must be cooled somehow. Many nuclear power plants used steam towers to cool this water with air. These are generally the buildings that people associate with nuclear power plants. At reactors that do not have towers, the clean water is purified and dumped into the nearest body of water, and cool water is pumped in to replace it.
PWR Power Plant Schematic

Drawing of nuclear plant, including 
the various parts
Original Image Used with Permission of the Uranium Institute

From Fission to Electricity:

A nuclear power plant produces electricity in almost exactly the same way that a conventional (fossil fuel) power plant does. A conventional power plant burns fuel to create heat. The fuel is generally coal, but oil is also sometimes used. The heat is used to raise the temperature of water, thus causing it to boil. The high temperature and intense pressure steam that results from the boiling of the water turns a turbine, which then generates electricity. A nuclear power plant works the same way, except that the heat used to boil the water is produced by a nuclear fission reaction using 235U as fuel, not the combustion of fossil fuels. A nuclear power plant uses much less fuel than a comparable fossil fuel plant. A rough estimate is that it takes 17,000 kilograms of coal to produce the same amount of electricity as 1 kilogram of nuclear uranium fuel.


Successful Group Discussion Techniques

First, there is nothing wrong with being quiet. At the same time, you don't want to be too quiet. However, speaking too much is not recommended. Before you speak, you will want to think about what you are going to say. It is important to make sure the statements you make are concise and to the point. You don't want to give the other members the wrong impression by making statements that are not clear.

It is also important to make sure you fulfill the tasks of any role you've been given. For example, if you are given the role of a team leader, it is important to make sure you carry it out to the best of your abilities. Once you agree to a specific role, do not ask to be changed to something else. If you do this, you will convey a message that you are indecisive. If you don't understand a statment or question that has been made by someone else, it is important for you to make sure they clarify it. In group discussions, it is important to avoid conflict as much as possible. You will always want to respect the contributions that are made by the other members. Even if you don't agree with their views, it is important to look at things from their perspective.

If you are the leader of a group discussion, it is important to make sure all the members are given equal amounts of time to voice their views or participate. If you give some members more time than others, you may convey a message that certain members are more valuable than others, and this can lead to conflict. In any group discussion, conflicts should be expected. However, it is the method you use to deal with them that will determine the success or failure of a group. There are certain words and phrases that you will want to avoid using when you are in a group discussion. For example, responding to a statement made by another member by saying "that doesn't make any sense" will lead to conflict.

If you don't agree with the statement, instead of saying "that doesn't make any sense," it would be better to say "I don't know if I agree. Could you elaborate?" When you use this statement, it will not be as offensive as the other statement. You should never ridicule the idea or statement of another member by calling it dumb or stupid. Instead, you could simply say you disagree with them, and offer an explanation of why your feel the way you do. To give another example, instead of using the statement "that is not what the assignment asked us to do" you could say that "I think it would be better if we refer back to the assignment."

To be successful in group discussion, it is important to avoid conflict statements. These statements could lead to problems between you and other members that can make the group less productive. An example of a conflict statement is telling another member that they are wrong about something. Instead, you will want to disagree with them by using phrases such as "it may be better to...." or "have you ever though about doing it this way?" It should be easy to see the difference between these two phrases and the first one.

Being able to avoid conflict in a group discussion is crucially important. Once the conflict has started, it is very difficult to deal with. Everyone is different and will have strong beliefs about a topic that may differ from others.

However, they should be respectful in how they deal with the differences. Using statements and questions which avoid conflict will allow you to be respected by the other members, and you can help the group successfully move forward. Respect the opinions of others, and never try to push your ideas on the other members. Remember, the purpose of having a group discussion is to solve problems, not create them.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Good ideas are a dime a dozen. But GREAT ideas -- the kind that can turn you into the next Bill Gates or Walt Disney? Those are priceless.

This article will help you think of good ideas and develop those good ideas into great ones.

The tips can be used in any field -- from art to science and everything in between

Things You'll Need:

  • An open mind
  • pen or pencil
  • paper

  • 1 Be observant. Good ideas are everywhere.

    - Notice trends in what people are wearing, eating, drinking, driving etc.

    - Pay attention to the daily aggravations of life and think about how you would solve them.

    - Listen to what people are talking about and especially notice if two or more people tell you something similar at different times.

    At any time during this step, you should have ideas popping into your head. Not all of them will be good, but don't ignore them. Write them all down in a notebook because they could lead to other (better) ideas down the road.

  • 2
    Brainstorming. Gather up your notes and find a quiet spot where you won't be disturbed for at least 30 minutes. Let your mind wander a bit as you read over what you wrote. Think about how observations made at different times might be related. And pay attention to new ideas as they form.

    Write everything down as you think of it. Don't stop to judge any of your ideas. Just let it flow.

  • 3
    Sleep on it. Dreams are a fantastic way to generate ideas and solve problems. Get in the habit of thinking about your ideas before you go to sleep and when you first wake up in the morning. Keep a notebook by your bed in case of late-night strokes of genius.

  • 4
    Before you go any further, check and see if your idea has already been done.

    Do a Google search and find anything you can that is similar to your idea. It's better to know now than to find out later, after you've invested a lot of time and effort into the project.

    If you find something similar that doesn't necessarily mean you should give up. Maybe you just need to think of a new twist that will set your idea apart.

  • 5
    Work on the details. If you made it this far with an idea then it's time to flesh it out. Think it through step by step. How much will it cost? How long will it take? Do you have the skills to do everything yourself or will you need help?

  • 6
    Get some feedback.

    Tell your friends and family first because they will (hopefully) be honest but kind with their assessment. Pay close attention to their very first reaction. Facial expressions speak louder than words.

    Listen closely to their opinions -- especially anything negative.

  • 7
    Step back, reassess and revise. You may need to make big changes after getting feedback. Don't feel bad about that. It's part of the process.

  • 8
    Now is the time to take action! (Or not.)

    There's no shame in abandoning an idea if you decide that it isn't as fantastic as you originally thought. Or maybe the timing isn't right.

    But if you do have a gem of an idea on your hands, then what are you waiting for? Get to work!


    Technology and Gadget Predictions for 2050!

    The Flying Car
    Since Moller released its “SkyCar M400X,” in 2003, it has failed to succeed. But this has only opened the door to new technology! Currently, there exists various patented, “Flying Cars”, but, again have failed to “take off” (No pun intended). But on a serious note – we have unearthed and have estimated that by 2050 no current car will be drivable! Now this might be because of the “Carbon Emissions,” law, which might rule out every gas powered vehicle. So move over gas, and welcome “Electric” power. Okay its hardly new, but we have listed an electric car that will give the Dodge Spider a run for its money!
    Stop drooling…It’s called the Mazda Kaan, (yes it’s a Mazda) and it is “electric,” but do you want to know the best bit? It can drive up to mega top speeds of 250mph and it is soon appearing in the E1 – the Formula One of electric cars. In case you were wondering what those orange rims are…yep…you’ve guessed it – they’re wheels! So innovation in the making, it won’t be long until this thing will be able to fly.
    “Introducing, the new (2050) iPhone, with integrated, hologram, voice call.” Can you imagine this by 2050, or perhaps sooner? For many of us who watched the “Obama/McCain,” US election on CNN, we might of noticed a hologram of a female reporter. However, this used a few cameras on a 360 degree axis, and one very large “green screen,” to create the illusion. Nevertheless, it has created some media in the process, and now questions remain…when will we see, and use holograms?
    George Lucas might be smug as he created the same techniques on Star Wars!
    Ever heard of Quantum Teleportation? Now this is in progress at present and consists of transporting one entity to another geographical location. This may seem impossible but scientific research has found this is quite conceivable indeed.
    Okay, all you need to get started is a “Transporter!” This could be anything, from a mobile handset to a complete array of electronic plates and a lot of Duracell batteries. However, silly as it might sound it has surpassed notion and is soon to be in development. So let’s all hope in 2050 teleportation could be made public! On the failier of the big “Red Phone Box.” Blue phone boxes might take their place, in the form of a Dardis.
    Houses are already failing to meet the needs to be energy efficient so all homes will be totally green by 2050.
    A normal house in the city, suburb or country, will predominately look the same. It’ll have solar panel roofing, wind turbines in the yard, a “flying car” landing pad and a garage for your teleport.
    However, you will have a house robot that will assist you on your daily errands – helping to take out the garbage, prepare the food, beam up the teleport – practically anything. All you have to do is sit back in your eco home without worrying about the sky high electric bills because you have already invested into solar power.
    Now that were living in the year 2050 why can’t we have a futuristic toilet…well one for it would be insanely boring! There is no point going into the complexities of the matter when when it comes to using the toilet it is more of a functional experience. Well move over practical as the future is set to put some fun into using the good old lav.
    Hold! Aim! Fire! yes, that’s right, its the game that you can pee all over. Play games as you pee, with such classics as “bullseye.” Bare in mind, these games consist of skill, accuracy, and “PE-resistance.” If your stuck on a level be sure not to cheat and peak in another guys urinal it might reap bad consequences…do you think it will catch on in the future? Who knows?! I mean, they made Take That popular again so anything is possible!
    Robots might already be here and especially if you have read my review on Gaj-it “Robots taking over the world.” But today a robot’s limits are only to its creator and whatever its master wants. So far, we have acting robots – I know, it won’t make much of a film – we also have robots which can mimic facial expressions. But when, where, and why, will we get to see and use, a robot that can go to the fridge, pull out a Bud so you can sit back and amuse yourself on the latest release of the PlayStation 27.
    However, Robots are picking up pace, and seem to grow immensely superior. So expect Robots to be already here by 2050, and themselves, picking their artificial brains, trying to uncover new technology, before 2050?
    Now James Bond has gave such a large contribution, that it deserves a category on its own. But where to start as the list ofgadgets and gizmo’s is so vast. When we say that the pen is mightier than the sword, we really mean it!
    A watch with a laser on it? not Practical, but I’m sure you’ll find it in everyday use. Rings that can shatter bullet proof glass at a twist. A jet pack, for the business man, to get to work on time. Even X-ray glasses for the shop keeper to keep an eye on those youths exiting his shop. Can we see James Bonds’ array of gadgets in 2050, I think yes!
    Comp…What? That’s right, by 2050, computers will no longer be called “computers”, it will have a new name, which would have already served its purpose. We predict that by 2050, computers will evolved enough that they will be monitoring themselves to find a new product, and we will be sitting back, relaxing and waiting until it does. However, Windows will no longer be call “Windows,” instead it will be called, “force field” because let’s face it, we have all this new technology, that we don’t need glass, Upvc windows any more. We can just deactivate a force field, whenever we want to let a little air in.
    We predict that, keyboards will be a thing of the past, and we would use “touch screen,” and with many of us with larger roles in IT, will be using Minority Report style gloves to control programmes.
    Fountain of Youth
    The secret to eternal youth is out folks. Apparently according to boffins, they have found “growth” cells, which all help us age. What they have done is not remove, but reduced its length in order to help us grow old slowly. Now with that being said, I am currently writing a list called “Technology and Gadgetsin 2150,” it might just be possible, that we’re all round then.
    SOURCE : Gaj-it

    Easy Math

    Tuesday, January 25, 2011

    Nuclear Fusion

    Nuclear Fusion
    Nuclear Fusion
    Nuclear energy can also be released by fusion of two light elements (elements with low atomic numbers). The power that fuels the sun and the stars is nuclear fusion. In a hydrogen bomb, two isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium are fused to form a nucleus of helium and a neutron. This fusion releases 17.6 MeV of energy. Unlike nuclear fission, there is no limit on the amount of the fusion that can occur.

    The Hydrogen Bomb: The Basics

    A fission bomb, called the primary, produces a flood of radiation including a large number of neutrons. This radiation impinges on the thermonuclear portion of the bomb, known as the secondary. The secondary consists largely of lithium deuteride. The neutrons react with the lithium in this chemical compound, producing tritium and helium.
    Lithium to Tritium reaction
    This reaction produces the tritium on the spot, so there is no need to include tritium in the bomb itself. In the extreme heat which exists in the bomb, the tritium fuses with the deuterium in the lithium deuteride.

    The Hydrogen Bomb: The Secret

    The question facing designers was "How do you build a bomb that will maintain the high temperatures required for thermonuclear reactions to occur?" The shock waves produced by the primary (A-bomb) would propagate too slowly to permit assembly of the thermonuclear stage (the secondary) before the bomb blew itself apart. This problem was solved by Edward Teller and Stanislaw Ulam.
    Gamma Radiation
    To do this, they introduced a high energy gamma ray absorbing material (styrofoam) to capture the energy of the radiation. As high energy gamma radiation from the primary is absorbed, radial compression forces are exerted along the entire cylinder at almost the same instant. This produces the compression of the lithium deuteride. Additional neutrons are also produced by various components and reflected towards the lithium deuteride. With the compressed lithium deuteride core now bombarded with neutrons, tritium is formed and the fusion process begins.

    The Hydrogen Bomb: Schematic

    H-bomb Schematic
    The yield of a hydrogen bomb is controlled by the amounts of lithium deuteride and of additional fissionable materials. Uranium 238 is usually the material used in various parts of the bomb's design to supply additional neutrons for the fusion process. This additional fissionable material also produces a very high level of radioactive fallout.

    The Neutron Bomb

    The neutron bomb is a small hydrogen bomb. The neutron bomb differs from standard nuclear weapons insofar as its primary lethal effects come from the radiation damage caused by the neutrons it emits. It is also known as an enhanced-radiation weapon (ERW).
    The augmented radiation effects mean that blast and heat effects are reduced so that physical structures including houses and industrial installations, are less affected. Because neutron radiation effects drop off very rapidly with distance, there is a sharper distinction between areas of high lethality and areas with minimal radiation doses.
    This was desired by the forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), since they have to be prepared to fight in densely populated areas; any tactical nuclear explosion will endanger civilian lives and property.


    Latest inventions in science

    if you are interested in the latest inventions in science, you should know that the scientists are currently working on the development of 'smart' contact lenses able to measure pressure within the eye and distribute medicament according to the measurements. They invented a new material called polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Then, they managed to place powdered silver, with antimicrobial properties, on the PDMS in a precise pattern, thus creating conductive wires.
    The scientists gave the PDMS-silver a contact-lens shape, so it could serve as a simple pressure sensor. A contact lens for continuous measurement of pressure within the eye and transmitting the data to a computer would greatly help doctors find out more about glaucoma, a major cause of blindness, and improve the ways of its treatment.

    Experts Unveil Inventions that Will Be Used in Everyday Life by 2039

    Recently the New Scientist magazine predicted that by 2039 the X-Ray vision and invisibility cloak could be used in everyday life. ...


    The term culture refers to a state of intellectual development or manners. The social and political forces that influence the growth of a human being is defined as culture.
    Indian culture is rich and diverse and as a result unique in its very own way. Our manners, way of communicating with one another, etc are one of the important components of our culture. Even though we have accepted modern means of living, improved our lifestyle, our values and beliefs still remain unchanged. A person can change his way of clothing, way of eating and living but the rich values in a person always remains unchanged because they are deeply rooted within our hearts, mind, body and soul which we receive from our culture.

    Indian culture treats guests as god and serves them and takes care of them as if they are a part and parcel of the family itself. Even though we don’t have anything to eat, the guests are never left hungry and are always looked after by the members of the family. Elders and the respect for elders is a major component in Indian culture. Elders are the driving force for any family and hence the love and respect for elders comes from within and is not artificial. An individual takes blessings from his elders by touching their feet. Elders drill and pass on the Indian culture within us as we grow.
    “Respect one another” is another lesson that is taught from the books of Indian culture. All people are alike and respecting one another is ones duty. In foreign countries the relation between the boss and the employee is like a master and slave and is purely monetary whereas in Indian culture the relation between the boss and the employee is more like homely relations unlike foreign countries.
    Helpful nature is another striking feature in our Indian culture. Right from our early days of childhood we are taught to help one another in need of help and distress. If not monetary then at least in kind or non-monetary ways. Indian culture tells us to multiply and distribute joy and happiness and share sadness and pain. It tells us that by all this we can develop co-operation and better living amongst ourselves and subsequently make this world a better place to live in.
    Even though India is a country of various religions and caste our culture tells us just one thing 'phir bhi dil hai Hindustani '.

    The History of India's culture: Ancient civilization in India reveals marvelous facts about our heritage. It is a eye opener as to how kingdoms ruled and how people went about life in a logical way. Though medieval, it is actually amazing to find how people transacted and went about building dams and tended to the chief occupation which was agriculture. Dance and rituals were always a part of Indian culture and this was the chief mode of entertainment.

    Indian culture is also about respecting elders, honoring heroes and cherishing love. It is a land of aspirations, achievements and self reliance. Indian culture has a very high level of tolerance and hence the advent of so many external cultures was not restricted. Adaptation to any culture or embracing a religion was always the democratic culture. Indian history is about war heroes during Indus valley civilization and the initial time when currency was coined. Indian history talks a lot about self reliance especially in terms of food and agricultural produce. This was the great effort put in by the farmers and support received through irrigation. The modern agriculture also shows a lot of indigenous methods of preserving the produce. The Chola dynasty, the great King Emperor Ashoka and the secular era of Emperor Akbar will always be green in our memory. Several books are written on the rich Indian culture wherein the saints preserved the Vedas and scriptures.

    There are shlokas and mantras i.e. chants that can evoke positive energy and revoke enthusiasm in life. The rich culture of yoga as a part of life and the goodness of ayurveda has now got an universal lifestyle approach. Our roots are strong and despite the westernization and access to technology, the distinct Indianness is still maintained whilst celebrating Diwali or observing the Shravan fast. This is also believed to be a land of Lord Rama which is Ayodhya or the birthplace of Sri Krishna is considered as Mathura. The birth of Sikh religion and the reverence felt by all Indians is still intact. Indians are extremely secular and especially in the metros there is seamless blending of Indians during Xmas and Id.

    Attires in Indian culture : Ethnic charm is exuded in simple outfits in India. The tropical climate is well adapted to the range of muslins and cottons. The mixed variety in cotton goes from viscose, polycot and also cotton silk which has a sheen of its own. Attires are very much about the region and climate. The Himalayan costume is suited for the environment where the dress is a blanket wrap in red and black secured with a ethnic pin. The ornaments or jewelry is a festive adornment with a big red bindi to complete the outfit.

    The sari happens to be the most versatile drape with its amazing styles of draping and design. The sari is the traditional dress of India which also modifies as per material, drape and style with each region. This has also gone up to international drape style followed by ranking designers on the ramp shows. The chungari sari of the south has the tie and dye pattern that finds its counterpart in the bandhi print of Gujarat. There are embroidery types that seem to be the intrinsic talent of certain regions.
    The cardigans and shawls are hand-woven from the North especially the Himachal and Arunchal belt. This displays the rich handicraft culture of India. The modernization in winter wear is seen with details like pockets, zippers, blends of fabrics and easy feel wear. The gota work of Rajashtan and Punjab is skilled golden zari strips woven or fixed on to the main garment like a sari or the dupatta. The most comfortable dress is the salwar kameez that radiates Indianness and is also comfortable.

    The south Indian Kerala set-saree is the beautiful print in cream and golden which can be teamed with colored blouses. The navvari sari or the nine yard drape of Mahrasthra is usually found in leaf green color that is symbolic of the newly married bride. The colors also seem to be in mauve, red or blues and the sarees happen as Narayan peth, paithani and various other Belgaum prints.
    The padavai is the ghagra choli for young girls in the south that is incomplete without the gold jewelry especially the kaashi gold chain and jhumki earrings. This is also modified as ghagra choli is simple cottons for daily wear in the villages and designed as the lehenga choli in designer wear in the metros.

    Values in India : Tradition in India is about values that transcend down generations automatically. These are genetic traits and simplicity is the main ingredient. Ancient culture believed in a lot of dogmas and rituals that can be termed as false beliefs and Indians are an intelligent lot to traverse these paths and modify the social requirements. Indians are highly flexible in the sense they would like to imbibe the changes dictated by western influence and yet clearly affirm their belief in traditions.

    It is customary to respect elders and touch their feet as to seek their blessings. Occasions or festivals demand a lot of participation in terms of rangoli drawing, diyas and an array of yummy treats made in the authentic variety as per the caste and geography. Hindu rituals are a lot about song and dance and each family has a natural way to adjust to these formats. It is a ritual to pray to the Goddess of learning Ma Saraswathi to achieve success. Similarly business people always insist on drawing the Swastika which marks prosperity and worship the Goddess of wealth.

    With the advent of technology and women emancipation there is a trend to mingle free with the western concepts of dress, belief, work and also get into a secular concept. But one can feel a distinct Indianness and most of our brethren abroad miss their homeland. Indians all over the world are known for their hospitality and high level of tolerance. Their adaptation power is high and hence they are able to scale heights in the international arena. Putting oneself on the global map, Indians are seeking new vistas of communicating their beliefs and tradition. The gift of health and well being through yoga and meditation is a great source of Vedas in the rich Hindu tradition which has actually benefited the world.

    The values in India is about living life with a zest and observing the belief that there is one God prevailing despite so many religions.
    Respecting elders, understanding cross culture traditions, free mingling to accommodate tolerance, staying interested in rural welfare are the values of India. The artifacts, cuisine handicrafts, attire and lifestyle of the rural folks is still followed and preserved by Indians.

    Family Culture of India : Family is about joy and sharing. In India, the family culture is all about love and patience. A girl weds into a family and adjusts herself seamlessly to the rituals, routine and cuisine. Of late, one can see a lot of love marriages i.e. cross border mingling which is also being accepted by the elders in the family. Association with religious beliefs and sects is also followed by families as many families believe in a particular Guru or saint who guides them in their spiritual path. Families are also getting nuclear owing to independent lifestyle preference and also the concept where in both husband and wife is working and has demanding careers. This is quite common in metros where families are independent in their upbringing and yet love and respect the elders who reside separately. The earlier homes housed themselves together in very large families where one can actually see three or four generations put up together.

    Certain families observe a matriarchal concept i.e. the groom resides in the house of the bride or also follows a tradition as per the bride’s ancestors. Generally India is patriarchal in the sense the children get the surname of the father and the wife changes her surname to follow that of the husbands. It is also a tradition in certain families that the wife changes her maiden name but again this concept is also changing. Indian families are very accommodating and willing to accept change. It is a concept to observe the karva chauth or the raksha bandhan with great aplomb. There is an occasion for gifting and seeking the blessings of elders. It is important to respect and hold certain family traditions which are unique in terms of cooking, rituals and beliefs. Families give a lot of importance to lighting the diya in the evening and also each person in family has a habit of doing the puja in his own way.

    Metros are also seeing a lot of family value in celebrating birthdays and anniversaries by observing the rituals and also entertaining outdoors. The Indian culture has imbibed the right mix of western influence and yet maintaining the ethnic family tradition. There is more love in every family while blowing candles on the birthday cake and also lighting the diya to observe an Aarti for the birthday person.

    Dance forms in India : Folk music and tradition is the rich heritage of modern India. Despite the advent of technology, open communication and developments in all fields, the area of fine arts still gives a proud picture of our India. Dance is a part of celebration and is the intrinsic part of Indian glory. There are folk dances which are distinct and distinguished as per the geography. This also calls for a lot of make up talents and attire which only enhances the beauty of the dance and song.
    Indian dance forms have traveled internationally and there are many academies of Indian dance forms abroad. The participation is a great impetus to the tradition of India and a boon for the NRI’s who love associating themselves with Indian culture. Bharatnatyam is the most renowned form of dance from the South. Kept alive by sincere efforts of traditional gurus and the allegiance of many students, this is a dance form which is almost a religion to many who revere it.

    The Bharatanatyam dance is usually done with bent knees in a forward position and has the opportunity of display the Nav Ras or the emotions. The make up style and attire is very typical and hence allows a lot of expression. Kuchupidi is a characteristic dance form again from the south. Kathakali and has a lot to do like enacting a play and the use of mask, gear and get up. There are many schools that impart training and seeking this form of dance knowledge is a journey by itself.
    The ghumar dance of Rajashtan is a lot about rotation and typical palm movements. The ghungrus and the ghungat impart more style to this type of dance. The Lavani of Maharasthra is now being revoked by sincere people and the type of dance is now again getting traditional in its concept without being polluted by other influences. The gharba dance which was a form of raas by the gopis and Krishna is now being followed in all parts of India. There is enough commercialization in the 9 day festival in metros and the participation is done on a wide scale.

    The Manipuri and Oddissi dance is very ethnic in its concept. There are a number of folk dances which still happen in the villages where the authentic lifestyle of rural India is displayed. Dance is the main form of artistic entertainment along with folk songs and other influences that is brought in by cinema. Acknowledging the subtle distinguishing points, the essence of Indian dance form is pure and unique.
    Page author: Kamakshi Gupte.