In the beginning, there was darkness.
Then came fire.
It wasn’t until the 19th century that artificial light was first
generated. The big leap came in the 1880s, when Thomas Edison lit homes
with the incandescent bulb. Since then, for the next 130 years,
incandescents ruled the nights, the roads, and especially the Christmas
But now, the incandescent light bulb, one of the most venerable inventions of its era but deemed too inefficient for our own, will be phased off the U.S. market beginning in 2012 under the new energy
law just approved by Congress. In Europe alsom the stage has been set
for the imminent death of the incandescent light bulb. And the rest of
the World is also following the same. Already many stores across the
world stopped stocking the good old bulbs already.
The days of the traditional incandescent
bulb look numbered because these electricity-sapping glass orbs have
fallen out of favour with environmentally-conscious governments and
Moving to more efficient lighting is one of the lowest-cost ways to reduce electricity use and greenhouse gases. In fact, it actually will save households money because of lower utility bills. Ninety percent of the energy that an incandescent light bulb burns is wasted as heat.
Moving to more efficient lighting is one of the lowest-cost ways to reduce electricity use and greenhouse gases. In fact, it actually will save households money because of lower utility bills. Ninety percent of the energy that an incandescent light bulb burns is wasted as heat.
And waiting in the wings is a new breed of hi-tech light based on the
humble LED (light-emitting diode), the small lights found in everything
from TV remote controls to bike lights. Not only do they promise to
solve the bulb’s environmental woes, their backers say they will also
respond intelligently to your surroundings and even influence the way we
Efficient LED technology looks set to flick the switch on traditional incandescent lightbulbs forever, say researchers.
Already, the efficiency and long life of LEDs is making them a
popular – if costly – option in places where changing bulbs is
inconvenient or expensive, such as in motorway lights, traffic signals,
airport runways or on large buildings and bridges. For example, the
Louvre museum in Paris is currently replacing 4,500 bulbs with LED
equivalents, a change that is expected to result in a 73% reduction in
energy consumption. Plans are also in place to replace the 25-year-old
lighting system that illuminates Tower Bridge in London with LED
lighting in time for the 2012 Olympic Games.
An assortment of LED lightbulbs that are commercially available as of 2010 as replacements for screw-in bulbs
Of course, the death warrant for the incandescent bulb has been
signed before. Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) – or energy efficient
bulbs, as they are more commonly known – were supposed to spell the end
of the light bulb in the 1970s. But despite rising to prominence in the
90s and constantly improving, they have failed to deliver on their
promise. In part this is down to them costing more than regular bulbs,
taking an age to warm up and often producing low quality light. And that
is without even mentioning the environmental concerns over bulbs that
contain mercury.
LEDs, it is claimed, will help overcome these problems. These tiny
lights were invented by GE in the early 1960s and were initially only
available in red, a property that defined the look of early pocket
calculators and digital watches. Over the years, however, more colours
have appeared.
People still use vacuum tubes for some applications, and similarly
incandescent bulbs may never go away completely. But it is not a
question of if, but of when LED lighting will be the norm throughout the
We are only just at the start of the LED lighting revolution, and you may never look up at the ceiling in the same way again.
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