Saturday, May 26, 2012


Next time you do the shopping and carry home the things in a  plastic carry bag, think and realise that you are  contributing your share to a deadly plastic pollution whose ill effects are  irreversible and capable of reaching out to many generations  to come. Plastic is one of the major toxic pollutants of our time. Being composed of  toxic chemicals and most importantly a non biodegradable  substance, plastic pollutes earth and leads to air pollution and water pollution. There is no safe way to  dispose plastic waste.

Plastic causes serious damage to environment during its  production process and during its disposal process. So the  only way to reduce the hazards of plastic pollution is to reduce the use of plastic and  thereby force a reduction in its production. The major chemicals that go into the making of plastic are  highly toxic and pose serious threat to living beings of all  species on earth. Some of the constituents of plastic such as benzene and  vinyl chloride are proved to cause cancer, and other gases  and liquid hydrocarbons spoil earth and air. The noxious substances emitted  during the production of plastic are synthetic chemicals  like ethylene oxide, benzene and xylenes. Besides hitting hard the ecosystem  which is already fragile, these chemicals can cause an array  of maladies ranging from birth defects to cancer, damage the nervous system and  the immune system and also adversely affect the blood and  the kidneys. And, many of these toxic substance are emitted during recycling of  plastic too.

                                                  Plastic pollution

Like in the case of all other chemical substances,  ‘disposal’ of plastic is a myth. Once plastic is produced,  the harm introduced is almost permanent. Plastic defies any kind of attempt at disposal,  be it through recycling, burning or landfilling. When you  recycle a hazard, you pave way for another hazard. Recycling of a plastic  merely puts it back into the market  place and eventually into the environment, thereby making no reduction in its use. The  recycled plastic degrades in quality and necessitates the production of more new plastic  to make the original product. 

When plastic is burned, it has its own disadvantages.  When burned, plastic releases a host of poisonous chemicals  including dioxin into the air. Apart from these dangers, recycling of plastic is  very uneconomical, dirty and labour intensive as has been  revealed by studies conducted by many 'Public Interest Research Groups'. Recycling  of plastic is associated with skin and respiratory problems  resulting from exposure to and inhalation of toxic fumes, especially  hydrocarbons and residues released during the process.

Plastic wastes clog the drains and thus hit especially urban  sewage systems. The plastic wastes being dumped into rivers,  streams and sea contaminate the water, soil, marine life and also the air we  breathe. Choked drains provide excellent breeding grounds  for mosquitoes besides causing flooding during the monsoon. Since plastic does not undergo bacterial decomposition,  landfilling using plastic would mean preserving the poison  forever. Any attempt to get rid of plastic through landfills is also dangerous.  Apart form toxic seepage from the landfill resulting in the  contamination of precious water sources, the waste mass impedes the flow of  ground water. Landfills  are also prone to leaks. The wastes, especially cadmium and  lead in the wastes, invariably mix with rain water, then seep through the ground  and drain into nearby streams and lakes and other water  bodies. Thus the water we use gets poisoned. 

The only way to overcome the deadly and lasting danger of  plastic pollution is to cut down the use of plastic, if possible avoid  it altogether. Say NO to plastic whenever and wherever you can. Prefer to   carry your own bags for grocery shopping, a jute or cloth  bag. All attempts made to put an end to plastic pollution will be a REAL BENEFIT for  your grand children. Let us contribute our part, save our  environment from plastic pollution and make it a better environment for future.


To see more about plastic pollution see the link below

  1. Effects of Plastic Pollution
    7 Sep 2011 – While plastic is used practically in every household and industry, the production and disposal of plastic poses a great threat to the environment.
  2. What is plastic pollution? - Yahoo! Answers India › ... › Environment › Other - Environment
    5 answers - 8 Oct 2007
    Top answer: Since the days of ancient Phoenician mariners, seagoers have been dumping their trash at sea. Back in those days, the oceans could easily handle ...
  3. Reducing plastic pollution in Pilibhit Forest Division | The Better India
    3 Nov 2011 – Action taken by WWF-India to check plastic pollution during the local temple fair in Pilibhit forest division ensured that there was no 

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